Flat on Story But Visually Appealing and Still Fun. 

I loved the first movie. It was absolutely hilarious that its ridiculousness didn’t matter. For the sequel however, it is still ridiculous but the flood of Oscar-winning actors wasn’t enough to capture the charm its predecessor has. 

Sure, we still have Colin Firth and goodness the infusion of Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry and Julianne Moore? I was wondering if this is a movie sponsored by the Academy and don’t remind me if the completely useless role of Channing Tatum. These actors weren’t necessary and it kinda pissed me off. Pedro Pascal was here too, but who cares right? He’s from Game of Thrones so he must be relevant. 

I’m sick and tired of the spy movie genre because they are all the same. If so, the strategy should be execution and The Golden Circle just fell flat. The one thing I’m happy about is the now trademark fight scenes that is composed of hand-held camera and long shot sequence. That was actually fun. 

I’m sure we’ll see a 3rd Kingsman movie, now that it’s been dominating the box office but I’m really hoping they’ll wise up and stop downplaying Taron Egerton and let him carry the whole damn thing. 

A weak sequel to a strong start, still cheesy scoring, great music, funny cameos. Slick battle scenes, but altogether fails anyway as it falls into the Hollywood sickness for sequels. 

Grade: 3/5 stars

Let’s do the sequel. Kingsman: The Secret Service Movie Review

Matthew Vaughn, the director said that if this movie performs well in the box office then the sequel will happen. Watch this movie, we need the sequel.

The first 30 minutes of the film is quite pathetic. In fact it remained that way up until the end but they did it so well that it doesn’t matter. The movie is far from serious. The spy organization is at its brink of destruction and it loses its member. So naturally they need new blood. Eggsy, played by Taron Egerton, is in a short list, as his father was a former Kingsman, killed in a failed mission caused by a mistake done by Harry, played by Colin Firth. Out of resentment, he did his best to train him.


The movie is funny and tremendously entertaining, quite adrift from the normally effective action movie these days, when the characters act out of emotion and personal past.

Samuel Jackson did an amazing job as the movie’s main antagonist. He reminded me of Austin Powers nemesis, at least he pulled it off. Michael Caine is a little bit underused. Colin Firth is a little too much, in a good way of course.

You’ll laugh your heart out in this movie, although the scoring is a little unforgivable, Kingsman: The Secret Service is a potential franchise that will tickle your funny bone with solid action packed sequences, spot on acting and wicked dialogue.

Grade: 4 stars