Crazy Rich Asians / Crazily Cliche

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ so hyped up that I feared that I will end disappointed, even with all the great things people have to say about the movie. I also feared that I won’t like it because of my distate for rom-coms in general, but it turned out I didn’t like it for different reasons.

I felt no chemistry between the two leads, rachel and nick, in fact, I didn’t feel their relationship. There wasn’t enough background for them to want them to end up so badly. It also tries so hard to downplay just how crazy rich they were to avoid that dazzling, glittery feel of a luxurious lifestyle. It tries so hard to not feel Kardashian-ish, and I meant that as a compliment.

There were times I felt there that everything was being downplayed that I didn’t feel the major conflict when Rachel goes head to head with Nick’s mother. It went soapy and cheesy real fast.

The acting is so weird and awkward and just bad. The entire dialogue is so shamelessly dubbed that it distracts me from understanding anything.

It’s a modern Cinderella re-telling and it’s a decent one. In fact, it has its moments that I felt that long lost jitters in the stomach and it was from the wedding that is most certainly not by the main couple. The humor is spot-on and very relatable. The family drama is so overkill.

Crazy Rich Asians is not as crazy good as everyone says, but it’s a decent rom-com in recent memory.

Grade: 3/5 Stars