When Women Do Bad Things It’s Usually Very Glamorous

It’s like the ultimate assembly of Hollywood A-Listers headed by the incomparable Sandra Bullock. Really, it was glorious to see Mindy Kaling, Cate Blanchett, Ann Hathaway, Rihanna, Sarah Paulson, and freaking Helena Bonham-Carter.

It’s not a loud movie, nor as hilarious as you’d hope. It was a quiet film that slowly bakes into the ultimate moment when they rob a 150-million dollar necklace on the Met, and it was gloriously clever.

What I am really impressed about is the subtlety that is very Gary Ross and the women were never objectified, and that is really where the movie wins. You forget that it is a movie with a great women cast, instead they were really a bunch of people who wants to steal something and they happened to be woman.

Sure there are flaws in a narrative, but it pays homage to the Ocean’s franchise with Hollywood Dream Team of outstanding actors.

Grade: 4/5 Stars

Helena Bonham Carter Makes Everything Look Perfect. Cinderella Movie Review

The latest trend in Disneyland today is to recreate Disney Classics and showcase them in a live action full length feature. We had Maleficent, which tells us Sleeping Beauty’s tale from the witch’s point of view, now we have the classic tale of Cinderella, and her glass slipper.

Kenneth Branagh is known for his elegant vision of things, and he really is the perfect choice for directing this movie. Cinderella, when I was young, I thought was really silly and out of place. She talks to animals for crying out loud, and she tripped so conveniently while the prince was chasing her. Lily James’ portrayal of her, particularly her silliness, is justified. She was treated rather harshly by life, in a moment everything was going perfectly. She got a good smack, life smacked her good, and talking to animals became justifiable.

She also wasn’t slutty. Cartoon Cinderella really wanted to go to the ball, and she really wanted to meet and marry the prince. This version, she just wanted for has fun and escape. The prince is just a consolation.


Acting wise, Lily James portrayed Cinderella in a raw, elegant and realistic way. She didn’t try to hard, or not just pretty and whimsy. Richard Madden as the prince however, and I believe this is intentional, is not as strong as we thought he should be. He cried for goodness sake, and that’s okay. We’d rather see real than charming, or at least that’s what we should show our children. Cate Blanchett as the stepmother is spot on. We can’t imagine someone else being her and at least we got a background from her character. Most importantly, the real star here is Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother and not to mention her hard to ignore dentures. Enough said.

Over all, Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is a refreshing retelling of the classic tale.

Grade: 4 stars